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I am a wife and mother who left work as an attorney to stay at home with my kids. I put the same research skills to work at home as I did with my paying job. Numerous people have asked me for my random research, so I decided to start a blog. I'm a big time coffee drinker, terrible speller, and find humor in almost everything. It is my goal to make readers more informed, healthy, and entertained. If you enjoy reading this blog, please share it with your friends. If not, share it with your enemies.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It seemed appropriate this week to give a shout out to moms everywhere for the wisdom they bestowed on us.  So, here are five things your mother said to you growing up that still apply today.

One of my children stuffs his face with food as if what he fits in his mouth is all that he will receive for dinner.  I am constantly telling him to take smaller bites and chew his food.  But then I proceed to shovel in my own food and swallow before it actually reaches my tongue.  You know exactly what I'm talking about mothers!  Racing to eat a meal before the next diaper change.  Or maybe you have one lunch hour to which you need to write a presentation AND run to Target to get new underware because you sneezed and had a little accident.  Either way, you're not chewing your food.  Besides the obvious of not choking, chewing your food is very beneficial.  When you chew the enzymes in your saliva help break down the food which allows for better digestion.  This allows the nutrients to be released better and reduces indigestion and flatulance.  A win-win for everyone.  So what does it mean to chew your food?  Well, I once read that you need to chew 30 times before swallowing.  I tried counting how many times I actually chew my food.... One, Two, Three, down the hatch.  I'd like to think the answer is somewhere in between.  The next time you eat try 15 chews times before swallowing.

You'd think this is an obvious one, and yet I still see people picking their nose at the stoplight as if we don't see what their doing.  Get a tissue people!  Our hands are not the cleanest part on our bodies and inserting them into your nose is like spraying bacteria up there.  This results in more colds and sickness.  Next time you get a twitch...reach for the tissue.
Do I really need someone telling me to eat my vegetables at this age?  YES! I know we ar to get 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day but I still struggle with this.  See chewing paragraph above for reason why.  Try pre-cuting your veggies on Sunday for the week to come. Plan out your meals ahead of time so you can calculate how many veggies you're getting.

My oldest son has grown out of naps and yet I have tried to grow back into them.  Sleep is so important for your health.  It effects your mood, immune system, and general well being.  Try to get 7-9 hours a night.  If this means DVRing your favorite show so you can get to sleep... so be it.  It's also important to get the same amount of sleep a night.  The more your body can expect what time it is to sleep AND wake up, the better rest you will get.

And by room I mean your house.  The purpose of having a clean home is not for the times when people stop by.  It's for your own health.  Fewer home accidents, fresher air, less germs, and that feel good factor are to name a few.  I recomend looking around the house at night and picking up a little.  Go crazy and wipe down the kitchen counter and sweep the floor.  You'll feel great when you wak up in the morning.  To learn how to cut your cleaning time by 50%-75%, contact your Norwex consultant.

Thanks mom for all the good advice.  My daughter sits on my lap while i write this. Maybe one day she'll appreciate all of this wisdom I am passing down.  For now she just loaded her diaper once again...gotta go.

1 comment:

  1. I was eating crackers while reading this and I LITERALLY choked on a big bit I neglected to chew well enough. Go me.
